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About Me

Hello, I'm Faith. I'm a seventeen year old high school senior in Fruitland Idaho. I'm a really nice person until you give me a reason not to be.
I believe that you can't judge a book until you've read the summary. So, here's mine.

(=' :')

I value my friends more than you can imagine. They've taught me a lot in life, and helped me through so much shit. I used to think that true friendship was perfect, and that we'd never go through periods of time where we couldn't stand to be around them for more than a few seconds without saying something we'd regret later. I was wrong. I recently realized that a true friend can make you laugh as hard as cry. I had this idea in my head that if a friend betrays you, you leave them. That may be true in many cases, but sometimes you form a bond that you may not even notice with a person, and when they slip up and you try to leave, you just can't let go. Sometimes, people screw up, and unless they put your trust at huge risk, they deserve a second chance.

I get so sick of middle class bitches whining about how shitty their perfect lives are, how horrible their parents who buy them whatever the fuck they want are, how awful their childhoods filled with purple unicorns that shit fucking glitter were, and how they tried to commit suicide for no reason last night in their bright pink bedrooms. Okay, there are kids right in your home town that get picked on every day of their miserable lives BY YOU and live in pure filth, get beaten and abused by their moms or dads, were sexually molested by people they knew well when they were barely in school, and have slashed their wrists right down to the bone because they just couldn't take it anymore. We all come by shitty people every now and then, fight with our parents on occasion, and wish there was a way out of it. Your so-called "shitty life" is nothing out of the ordinary, so shut the fuck up and change your tampon already, it's getting old.

If you have a "problem" with me and you can't even come up with one reason why, then you don't have a problem with me, and you need to either come up with a damn good reason real fucking quick, or get the fuck over your immature made-up problem with me. I have no tolerance for random petty high school drama from stupid bitches with nothing better to do than pick a random person who looks easy to harass and try to make their life hell, so if you want to start shit, you better be ready to finish what you fucking started, and please have the balls to act as tough as you do on the internet to me in person. I know that most of you aren't used to having someone stand up to you because you play all "big and bad", but you've never messed with me, and because I know that when you bitch back at a bitch, she messes with her $2 press-on nails for about five seconds, then runs crying to the teacher. So don't push me, because I push back

I don't like following rules, or having anyone control how I live my life. As far as I'm concerned, I should be allowed to make whatever stupid decisions I want to, because I'm the one who gets the consequence. If I choose to smoke, drink, or kiss girls, I'm the one with smelly clothes, a hangover, and a lable as a lesbian, NOT YOU! Try thinking of everyone's life as a car; We're all in the driver's seat, so don't let anyone touch your radio, because you can crank whatever tunes you want.

Now you think you know who I am. You don't know shit. I know all too well though that you're going to judge me based on who you think I am.
So go ahead, judge me.
Name Faith Nikole Livas
Gender Female
Age 17
Ethnicity Hispanic
Interested in Both
Status It's complicated

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Registered Aug 18, 2009
Last update Aug 18, 2009

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